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Version: edge


The udp_server and udp_client connectors allow UDP based datagram clients and servers to be integrated with tremor.


The udp_server binds to the host and port given in url and listens on incoming UDP packets. Incoming UDP packets are being received into a local buffer of buf_size bytes, which determines the maximum packet size. Each UDP packet will be deserialized by the preprocessors and the codec.

This connector can only be used to receive events, thus pipelines can only be connected to the out and err ports.

Events coming from the udp_server connector do not have any metadata associated with them. The tremor::origin::scheme() function can be used and checked for equality with "udp-server" to determine if an event is coming from the udp_server connector.


OptionDescriptionTypeRequiredDefault value
urlThe host and port to bind to and listen on for incoming packets.stringyes
buf_sizeUDP receive buffer size. This should be greater than or equal to the expected maximum packet size.positive integerno8192
socket_optionsSee UDP socket options.recordnoSee UDP socket options defaults


define connector `udp-in` from udp_server
codec = "string",
preprocessors = [
config = {
"url": "localhost:4242",
"buf_size": 4096,
"socket_options": {


The UDP client will open a UDP socket to write data to the given host and port configured in url. It will write the event payload, processed by the configured codec and postprocessors, out to the socket.


OptionDescriptionTypeRequiredDefault value
urlThe host and port to connect to.stringyes
bindThe host and port to bind to prior to connectingstringno"" if the connect url resolves to an IPv4 address, "[::]:0" if it resolves to IPv6.
socket_optionsSee UDP socket options.recordnoSee UDP socket options defaults

The udp client, by default binds to allowing to send to all interfaces of the system running tremor and picking a random port. This can be overwritten adding "bind": "<ip>:<port>" to the config.

:::warn If you are hardening an installation it might make sense to limit the interfaces a udp client can send to by specifying the "bind" config. :::


define connector `udp-out` from udp_client
codec = "yaml",
postprocessors = ["base64"],
config = {
"url": "localhost:4242",
"bind": "",
"socket_options: {